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5 Great Travel TV Ads

There must be something in the air in 2014, there are some seriously good TV ads around.  The travel sector has been a bit traditional recently, but in 2014 there have been a few great ads on air;

Here’s my top 5

1.  Booking.com

The booking.yeah ads are great .. weird, but joyous, and the “Get a room” execution is simply great. The ad makes you want to book … straight away.  The suite of ads are subtly different and appear well segmented.  Just great work I think.

2.  Travelodge

Travelodge must have fallen away a little given the inexorable rise of Premier Inn and Holiday Inn Express.  This can happen to a pioneer, but I think the response in 2014 is great, refreshed rooms and proposition and  great new ad, better I think than Premier Inn, as it drives a different sentiment and admits a need to change, I like that – a champion challenger position if ever I heard/saw one.

Great driving soundtrack, selling the benefits and then neatly landing the convincer … clever advertising in my view.  I love this ad!

3.  Thomas Cook

This is a departure (sorry !) from the Ogre ads, a nicely engaging,  and clean-shaven, James Nesbitt acts as our spokesperson on a simple jam-packed series of ads nicely landing a series of essentials across three executions.  Free wifi, exclusive bar, teen lounge (what a good idea, by the way), Kids club, live chat to find out more etc etc.  The pace is relentless but somehow it works, the art direction is great too, bright sunlight to romantic evenings.  A really nicely crafted series of ads that move the position of the brand a little, and for the better, I think.

4.  Premier Inn

This ad has a single compelling insight: you book a hotel room and your priority, more often than not, is to get a good nights sleep.  Continuing to use Lenny Henry and his great voice is sensible as he now embodies the brand, but this ad nails the insight … about 5 times in different ways in fact.  Great stuff.

5.  Low Cost Holidays

Pure fun, a bit rude, a bit sexist, but is ground breaking in the same way as the old 18-30 ads used to be with a great deal more charm I would contend !  Enjoy it  and accept my apologies in advance


There you go there is my top 5, do they match yours?


13 Aug 2014


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